Saturday, May 27, 2006

Gay Beating In Moskow.

Numerous participants have been beaten and injured by neo-Nazis and orthodox Christians during a small pro-gay demonstration in Russia's capital. Among the victims is Volker Beck, a German politician, which gives this incident quite some political explosiveness. Mayor Juri Luschkow said gay parades in Russia would be "absolutely inacceptable". It's no secret that human rights are nonexistent there, but to learn that orthodox Christians violently attacked (supposedly) gay people as being satanic and abnormal is quite disturbing. Isn't the Sermon on the Mount part of the New Testament (and regarded to be one of Jesus' most important speeches), and wasn't Jesus talking about love? Aren't Christians supposed to love their neighbours? This is one good example what I don't like about Christianity, namely the orthodox and the catholic branch - the crusader-mentality that is still present in these 'modern' times, and gays seem to be today's witches. I hear people say that Russian Orthodox Christians are not representative, nor do they represent the 'true' christian spirit. Those voices represent the conservative spirit that up to this day spreads war around the world in the name of God in an ignorant, arrogant, death-bringing manner that makes me want to puke. Ben'16 was visiting Poland these days. Interestingly, the protestant minority (ca. 0.34%) is suppressed - to say the least - by their catholic brothers and sisters. If that doesn't qualify as disregarding the second commandment... don't use an 'if' in the same sentence with unconditional love. I'm sick of people that want to impose their religious beliefs on others, no matter be they catholics, protestants, orthodox, muslims... believe what you want people, and grant others the same right to believe what they want. This is my life, no matter how 'elected' you think you are.


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