This Is The End...
... of the first half of 2006 eggshoolee. Remember? Time flies & all that. I still suspect there's a serious dent in the space-time continuum around here, but that's another story. In fact, I'm totally - in terms of completely - absent right now, I have no idea who is writing this and so have you. Me, I'm praying to the Divine Attaché Case regarding future development in general and the forthcoming soccer match in particular. Shouldn't we stop the clocks? Right now, Dees and Ays are coexisting happily, but in three hours time either the Dees or the Ays will be in tears, as if the world had come to an end... Nah, let's get ready to, er, rumble! Bergfest.

The Ays have it. "It" being lost, hehe. A dent in the space-time continuum, I wouldn't be at all surprised with you :o)
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