Saturday, July 22, 2006

Oi! Do Not Buy Nhancement Pills, They Don't Work!

I got this warning in my mailbox today, and though I do not know the sender, I'm very grateful he sent me this warning! And to let you participate, to give back some of the universal blessing (sorry, not the real est ate!) in return of the joy I'm given... you know, I'm not a celebrity (well I am, but nobody knows...), or whatever qualifies for like fan mail or fainting Labradors and such, but I am a very happy recipient of numerous well meant tips and stuff like the one I'm referring to today while wearing a Kenzo T-Shirt I bought back in the days still able to afford it (honestly, Theodoric, I'd buy the Rolex if only I could afford it right now!). Er... here's what "Bruce" wrote me: "Over the past few years the market has become swamped with imitation male enhancement pills, making it virtually impossible to know what is legitimate and what is fake!" That's very very true. Although actually I didn't notice it, really. But, you know, my time is as limited as yours, and if I'm not mistaken sums up to some 24 hours a day, so that might have slipped. But that'S nt important - it's the conclusion that counts: "The logical step that millions of men are taking is to switch over to the more effective and potent male enhancement Patches." Right on!! What are Patches? Enhancing what? Hm... Let's see... "Millions of men are already applying male enhancement patches daily and watching their size and drive go through the roof! Patches deliver the product into your system in a quicker and more efficient manner than a pill ever could. They are also safer and more discrete, no need to awkwardly carry around a bottle of pills. Enlarge Patch Rx is simply the best patch you will find, anywhere!" Okay....... er, through the roof?!? I mean, my flat is rather flat, mening it is not very high. It is high on the other hand, 5th floor so I can see who's coming visit me tomorrow, but you get the idea, through the roof is easily achieved, though if it means what I believe it means - how am I supposed to do my shopping?! I'd trigger the alarm in every MallWart I'd walk into. Not that I do. Except every now and then. And Fridays. But after all, I'm glad I don't have to carry around this huge 'bottle of pills' anymore. Really. That's the way I spell relief! And not New York...
"Our Enlarge Patches are the most respected in the industry, the highest quality at the best price. As of yet no other patch has matched ours for pure potency and effectiveness, the results you see from using Enlarge Patch are unreal!" Results I see are unreal?!? Aw... must be some side effects. I always suspected that! And now I know... however, Bruce fortunately delivered some testimony. I mean, it's one thing to believe, but evidence is more convincing, innit?

"Here are just a few of the thousands of happy testimonials we receive every year:

"Hi, I have been using Enlarge Patch Rx for one month. I could not believe my eyes after about a week of using the product because my flaccid length only grew a tremendous amount. I started slow since I did not know much about the exercises but once I retained some experience I began to introduce myself to the more advanced ones and that is when my penis started growing.
I can not thank Enlarge Patch Rx enough. So overall I started at about 6 inches in length and about 4 inches in girth, which is quite normal and now im 7 1/4 inches in length and 4 3/4 inches in girth. An entire inch in both length and girth in a matter of a month! If you want to have gains and keep them forever you have to try Enlarge Patch Rx, believe me you will not regret it!" Robbie V. Texas

Now that does sound a bit fishy, doesn't it? I tried muscle powder once, they said application was easy, just sprinkle it on your muscles and after a couple of weeks... it never happened. I even bought a second supply - nothing. So I did a bit of Googling and found Robbie V.'s mail address. In fact, there were 59 Robbie V.s in Texas, so I emailed all of them. The real Robbie must be among them, and then we'll see!

"I suppose my story won't be somewhat unusual to you. I'm a young man of 25 and I was completely frustrated about my small penis. I was so shy to show it to any of the girl I had “relationship” with that I basically had no sexual life at all. Enlarge Patch Rx patches did incredible thing to me. I was using them for 4 months and my penis is much more thicker and about 2.5 inches longer now. All my doubts are gone. I really appreciate what you're guys doing. Thanx for saving my life! " Geoff R. Rhode Island

Geoff, however, sounds much more convincing, doesn't he? I mean, he explicitly states "All my doubts are gone" and "Thanx for saving my life" - he wouldn't do that if it weren't true, would he?
Basically, I'm not in need of any patches, Bruce (erm, okay - do you have brain patches?!?). But - and here's the positive aspect my therapist told me to look for - I wouldn't have been able "to know what is legitimate and what is fake" because the market has become swamped with imitation male enhancement pills over the past few years. Thanks, Bruce, Geoff and Robbie! We need more folks like you guys. Really!


At 11:48 PM GMT+2, Blogger Maria said...

Speaking from a female's point of view...


That's so very disgusting. I'm thinking of starting an anti-spammer league, organise a group of women to write to every man in danger of falling for that crap, and give all sorts of words of encouragement, or.. something. That ought to cut those spammers down to size!

And Goeff sounds like he could use some brain enhancement, more than anything else. Maybe he's an illegal alien.

At 11:55 PM GMT+2, Blogger bunka said...

Hehe... I thought I added some humouristic aspect. Hm, obviously I wasn't obvious enough. Spammers can't be avoided, nor cut down to size. And any person falling for that crap deserves it! Actually, there's only one Geoff R. registered in Rhode Eyeland. As an illegal alien, spot on!

At 12:02 AM GMT+2, Blogger Maria said...

Nah, I know spammers are everywhere and indestructible. Must be something in their diet..

At 12:06 AM GMT+2, Blogger bunka said...

Not even that. It's the simple fact that out of millions of spammed individuals enough of them fall for whatever's on the agenda. Propellerheads feat. Shirley Bassey: History Repeating.

At 1:33 AM GMT+2, Blogger bunka said...

... sorry, didn't mean to cut you off - you're invited to have the last word on this!

At 1:53 AM GMT+2, Blogger Maria said...

That's very chivalrous of you :o) Last word, hm. How about... sesquipedalian!


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