Monday, February 20, 2006

(Don't) Be Square!

Howdy everybody! Long time no nothing, hm? I'll not babble about my absence on BPU or what I've been doing lately... instead, I'm giving you this quality link (as usual :o). Worth 1000 - I posted something in this context not too long ago, but here's the real thing: cubism 7. Real life, cubed. There's loads of interesting stuff for those among you with eyes who know how to use them. On you'll find text / photography / multimedia - contests, galleries, tutorials and whatnot. I'm sure you gonna dig this! While I continue working on my Wolfram Tones.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Wolfram Tones.

Here's an interesting spot for all you Toneheads out there: Wolfram Tones. An experiment in a new kind of music. Not sooo new per se, I might add, but interesting nevertheless. Algorithmic composition made easy - for starters, click on the colourful pixelpics to the right, or click on start now to make your own unique 'songs'. Use the so-called composition controls at the bottom of that page to have some sort of influence on the output. Here's what I came up with... it may take a bit to understand what and how, so try and error is your friend!