Friday, March 23, 2007

Money Makes The World Go Down...

Saw a reportage tonight on German TV that dealt with the enormous dissipation of (according to the programme) 23 billion US $. Iraqi money, mind you. If you're good in German, you can find the script here. If not: a fellow blogger fortunately posted quite some details here. In brief: the US government had the splendid idea of transferring Sadam's frozen money (from oil sales) to Iraq. Cash!!! An unbelievably disorganized bunch of idiots managed to reduce that huge amount of dollar bills from once 23 billion to 3.5 billion. Retired Admiral David Oliver said to US Congress: I can't tell you whether or not the money went to the right things - nor do I actually think it's important. One has to ask how much peace and safety that money could have generated. Four years (!) after the fall of Sadam Iraq produces less electricity, less oil, less clean water than it did under the dictator. How safe, may I add, is the world with complete ignorants like David Oliver and his bosses in charge. The financial genius, by the way, is now Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer with EADS North America to strengthen the EADS strategic management team in the U.S. Good night...

Monday, March 19, 2007

Let It Rain, Man!

Given that TV programmes offer so much crap aimed merely at our wallets, sometimes you'll witness fascinating insights into life's miraculous Mandelbrot sets. While I still would recommend Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" to everyone who has two ears and a brain between them, here's another interesting feature - and the best thing is you don't even have to leave your chair to watch it! From the title I thought "The boy with the incredible brain" was a film about me :o) but I was wrong. Of course. It's about Daniel Tammet, and if you have some spare 45 minutes it is one simple click away... amazing! Plus, it functions as a link to StumbleVideo, which is the best TV substitute I have seen so far. Unless you're living in Shermaney :o) (Nah, juss joking)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sellebräting With Frenz.

Say no more, nudge fudge! It's Ralph & a dog named Me having a jolly good time. Kaum zu glauben... cheers Sauvignon!

Friday, March 09, 2007

All I Asked Was What His Name Was...

... an interesting snippet from 1956. Groovey :o) See Graucho Marx and hear Lord Buckley reflect on Shakespeare.