Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Einstein The Parrot.

Long time since my last post. And you know, the longer I waited the more I felt like the next post should be something special. Something reeeally special. Which made posting harder with every day that went by. Since it's the last day in January (that's right folks, we've already wasted a whole month in this new year!), I'll give you some cooool sh!t dudes. And dudettes. It is a hilarious video-stream, and I'm not sure how a dial-up connection handles that... but it's worth seeing, believe me: Einstein The Parrot. Enjoy!

Friday, January 20, 2006


Pure colors. Colours. Allows to judge the colour reproduction of your monitor. The Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science California State University, Long Beach, offers a color tutorial.

Fade To Gray.

Here's a grayscale that might assist in adjusting your monitor - with its contrast set to highest (or 100%) adjust the brightness so that you see (ideally) all shades of grey in the above picture (click on it to see a larger version). All sections have the same width, and the area at the bottom is exactly the color of BPU's background. If your monitor is old, you may find it difficult (or impossible even) to display all nuances. Note - the white line marks the two shades of gray BPU's b/g color sits between.

Two Hours Ago.

One couldn't really call it chance, but tonight I drove along the same route I posted a pic of below, returning from the same place as two years ago, and it was snowing. Actually, it wasn't. It had been snowing this afternoon - the time I drove home, it was raining. Not the same, believe me. (Especially when you're on a bike)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Two Years Ago.

In order to substantiate the previous statement (regarding Hamburg in winter), this is the Rothenbaumchaussee in all its glory, around midnight, ca. 2004.


It seems the new design (as it isn't a new layout) has reached a point where I'm quite satisfied with what I see. Question is - do you see the same? Because this is where monitor brightness, color profile and ceteras start to matter. Note: these pages aren't black! So, my dear one unit audience - what about readability? Load times?? Actually, I should stop looking at it... the longer I stare, the more new ideas pop up (where's the blocker??). I'll leave that to another day, as it is starting to snow quite heavily. Seems we're facing some frostbite in the next couple of days! Huzzah! Hamburg can look so nice when it's covered with snow. Same goes for every location, I guess. But it's the only one I have right now... so I am thankful for what I've got. Om!

Green Grass Of Homer.

Well, I finally noticed the green excursion - as far as color goes - was... er, must have had something to do with me having pinkeye again. A first for 2006, though. Anyway, experimenting with colors can be fun. The same goes for nosepicking, as I have heard. Who am I talking to anyway?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Well, Douglas -

at least the procedure to insert my own graphics in the 'header' part isn't impossible, although adjusting the description took quite a while. Maybe I should learn html and css?! Hm... maybe I shouldn't. Quite green around here, innit?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Short Note...

As you noticed, I'm working on a new layout. And you know I'd lurve to give it a personal touch here and there. However, it seems this free layout by Mr. Zeldman isn't really supposed to be (seriously) altered. I find it impossible to add custom graphics (like this one) to the header, can't seem to find how to shorten the long list of previous posts and cetera. Ah well... that's life, I guess.
Nachtrag - the list issue miraculously solved itself. And I'm hungry now.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Guitars Anyone?

If you are playing guitar, here's a link that might interest you - whether you plan on buying a new one, collect them, or simply just like to look at nice handcrafted instruments. Go to Cyan Guitars and drop your jaws. This guy makes the most incredible guitars you have ever seen. Maybe even played, but that's highly unlikely, as all instruments are handcrafted and veeeery rare. Forget the custom shop models of the 'big names', really! Compared to those, the Cyans are bargains (and perform better, but that's probably depending on your preferences). Instead of posting pictures here - go see yourself! Btw, in case you're using a Mac - the flash links perform a little different: you'll have to click on the bottom link to make the popup-links stay visible.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Udder Enlargement?

That's what happens when I post too much.

Parlez-Vous Allemagne?

While I'm at it (posting, that is) - here's a cool resource for those of you interested in the German language: The W-files. Education nobody needs. Which is the title of that page, not what I'm thinking of it. I already posted that over at Mad Max, aber doppelt hält besser as they say. There's always LEO (excellent!) and phrasen.com, which isn't that well sorted but won't hurt anyway.

To Answer The Last Question First...

..., so-so. If I put on my rose coloured glasses, it looks much better then. Although, if one looks at it, or through it in this case, seeing everything rose coloured looks awful. I'd prefer some warm, rich kind of yellow - looks much better. Either way, once I have to deal with the outside world, so to speak, I encounter the same incompetence as last year. But maybe those people have just attended the wrong party, or maybe they're just about to improve and I called too early? Or I called the wrong company?! Who knows...
I've been looking at this blog, the way it developed over time, and I found the first entry this year would make the perfect last post. After posting this here, I guess I spoilt it, so I have to add some more until I find that perfect last post again. If such a thing exists, let alone multiple times. And if it even matters. Thing is, I haven't much to tell. I'm playing guitar, cook, eat, sleep and enjoy the shelter of a rooftop. And that circular motion (rub it) keeps me busy. Well, busy might not be the right word here, but while I search for a better one it might stay as a placeholder. And by now it should be evident why I haven't posted in a while: lotsa words and I ain't saying anything. It seems I'm much better speaking through music. Or Soto Ayam, which I am preparing again. This dish is such a reward, for everything one can imagine. Actually it is soooo good that it would make the world a better place if everyone just ate it once. Good thing that is impossible, me thinks, as I can already imagine nutritional nihilists rejecting the consumption. "Ich esse meine Suppe nicht! Nein, meine Suppe ess' ich nicht!" Oops - wrong planet =:o)

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Dear Bloggers - meanwhile, the new year has arrived, and I can say it actually is brandnew. Tonight, zero hours on time, the year 2006 appeared in immaculate condition. I'm notedly happy it actually is 2006 and not, say, 2008. Or 12. What's more, the new year offered to be partied willingly, and given the occurrences I must say I'm very pleased (happy, even) to have left the house last year. Welcome, 2006 - looking forward to our future cooperation!