Monday, April 30, 2007

Free Downloads?!

"Today sees the launch of a new technology and music venture, a download service which offers free ad-funded music that people can share and play on any MP3 player. Music legend Peter Gabriel has joined forces with technology entrepreneur Steve Purdham and financial authority John Taysom, to launch We7 which is currently in beta, with the dynamic download service launching at the beginning of June." Not bad an idea, says Yorze Twooley... thing is the four major companies won't participate, so here's an opportunity for 'indies' to get heard. Good luck, We7. [Note to self - send 'em my tracks...]

Oh, and here's what The Register has to comment on this.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Do You Showersing?

Then this one is for you:

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Heap Is On.

If you're - like me (and Mack McMacmanx [letters tossed for privacy reasons]) - into Imogen Heap (which is mandatory), and if you're able to simultaneously ignore that babbling bloke Doc Snider, then this one is for you: Grammy nominee Imogen Heap speaks about things you'd like to know. And then some.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Monthly Newsladder.

Almost four weeks already... as the spring makes its way into my hometown, I spend less time in front of the blog and a lot more doing things like this:

Bottomline: its a lot easier shooting pictures during daytime. Due to the long exposure time, the water is a tad smudgy and the piksha sports quite a bit of noise. Plus, I had not cleaned the lens from sea spray it collected earlier on. But hey, who says two heads are better than one? I have enough with one already... hope you're doing well in Penny & Down Unda. Peace, doodz (and dudettes)!