Saturday, May 27, 2006

Gay Beating In Moskow.

Numerous participants have been beaten and injured by neo-Nazis and orthodox Christians during a small pro-gay demonstration in Russia's capital. Among the victims is Volker Beck, a German politician, which gives this incident quite some political explosiveness. Mayor Juri Luschkow said gay parades in Russia would be "absolutely inacceptable". It's no secret that human rights are nonexistent there, but to learn that orthodox Christians violently attacked (supposedly) gay people as being satanic and abnormal is quite disturbing. Isn't the Sermon on the Mount part of the New Testament (and regarded to be one of Jesus' most important speeches), and wasn't Jesus talking about love? Aren't Christians supposed to love their neighbours? This is one good example what I don't like about Christianity, namely the orthodox and the catholic branch - the crusader-mentality that is still present in these 'modern' times, and gays seem to be today's witches. I hear people say that Russian Orthodox Christians are not representative, nor do they represent the 'true' christian spirit. Those voices represent the conservative spirit that up to this day spreads war around the world in the name of God in an ignorant, arrogant, death-bringing manner that makes me want to puke. Ben'16 was visiting Poland these days. Interestingly, the protestant minority (ca. 0.34%) is suppressed - to say the least - by their catholic brothers and sisters. If that doesn't qualify as disregarding the second commandment... don't use an 'if' in the same sentence with unconditional love. I'm sick of people that want to impose their religious beliefs on others, no matter be they catholics, protestants, orthodox, muslims... believe what you want people, and grant others the same right to believe what they want. This is my life, no matter how 'elected' you think you are.

Touchscreen Voting Machines.

"Despite clear, copious evidence that these nefarious contraptions are built to be tampered with, they continue to spread and dominate the voting landscape, thanks to Bush's "Help America Vote Act," the exploitation of corrupt elections officials, and the general public's enduring cluelessness.
In Utah, Emery County Elections Director Bruce Funk witnessed security testing by an outside firm on Diebold voting machines which showed them to be a security risk. But his warnings fell on deaf ears. Instead Diebold attorneys were flown to Emery County on the governor's airplane to squelch the story. Funk was fired. In Florida, Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho discovered an alarming security flaw in their Diebold system at the end of last year. Rather than fix the flaw, Diebold refused to fulfill its contract. Both of the other two touchscreen voting machine vendors, Sequoia and ES&S, now refuse to do business with Sancho, who is required by HAVA to implement a touchscreen system and will be sued by his own state if he doesn't. Diebold is said to be pressuring for Sancho's ouster before it will resume servicing the county.
Stories like these and much worse abound, and yet TV news outlets have done less coverage of the new era of elections fraud than even 9/11 conspiracy theories. This is possibly the most important story of this century, but nobody seems to give a damn. As long as this issue is ignored, real American democracy will remain an illusion. The midterm elections will be an interesting test of the public's continuing gullibility about voting integrity, especially if the Democrats don't win substantial gains, as they almost surely will if everything is kosher."

Excerpt of " Top 10 Signs of an Impending Police State" by Allan Uthman, which can be found here.

Ever Wondered What It's Like... be at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner? Have a peek here, and witness Stephen Colbert explaining to Tha Prezzident that an approval rating of 32% does not mean the glass is half empty. Instead, it means the glass is two thirds empty. Hehe. "We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking 'in reality'. And reality has a well known liberal bias..."

Friday, May 26, 2006

Category: Useless.

Did you know a male beard consists of about 15,000 single hairs, each as robust as a copper wire? And still, it is absolutely useless. And, in most cases, totally ugly...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Different News.

Today I added (to the small collection on the right) a link to FAIR - Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting. This aims high in a world of lies, betrayal and corruption, so let's keep an eye on that (talking to myself here). Page 2 holds an overview of recently posted stuff, while the book store offers interesting reads, among others on America's most-watched cable news host, Bill "Let Them Eat Sand" O'Reilly. Just so you know, you know.

Multi-Touch Interactive Experiments.

Multiwhat?! Just a short pointer to another aspect of technology. The future's so bright we gotta wear shades? Don't really know, but that doesn't matter anyway. Kalick! And while this makes for a very meager post, here's for the visually inclined: how to have (even more) fun with triangles. There you go.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I Have No Idea Whatsoever.

I have no bloody idea whatsyfaffer de kreun de tarpn torreff. Fachshillum Goethe - and b4 I cood sey Champignon d'Alsace, it was already too late. You don't think this is absurd? Well, wuddooyoo think of that: "Whatever you think of them, it seems like Google is slowly conquering the World. But what happens when they finally claim victory, when the company owns absolutely everything? Show us life under a Google regime..."

Friday, May 12, 2006

Money Makes The World Go Round. Part II.

Money makes the world go round - show me somebody that hasn't heard of this phrase, and I show you my cheese helmet! While the first post on this here subject on disya blog was directed at those capable of the German language, this one is for the rest of the world. If you can read, that is. Read English. And if you even understand what you read, well, so much the better. There's this blog called Believe Without Believing, which I said before is a good read, and it has this section on money which starts with a quote of G.K. Chesterton: "To be clever enough to get all the money, one must be stupid enough to want it." Money isn't a bad thing per se. Everyone that has ever been out of or short of cash knows money's a good thing to have. But. Meaning there's more about money than the dollar bill. Be sure to check The History of Money. MTWGR.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The The.

The what? Matt Johnson. Cryptic? Nodatall... The The is a "band" around Matt Johnson. One could rather call it a project, as over the years The The interchanged band members as well as musical styles on a regular basis. The first 'version' of the band was formed in 1979, and the first three albums gained considerable underground fame. After several major changes in musical direction The The released 'Hanky Panky', a collection of Hank Williams covers, which was avoided by critics and didn't really sell at all (or so I've heard), except perhaps the "hit single" I Saw The Light. However, the new millenium saw the release of NakedSelf, which I discovered a bit late* - a must-listen if you (like me) dig the early (first three) releases. Or if you don't know The The at all. Or if you're a deaf tasteless douchebag. Why am I telling you this? Couldn't come up with a better reason to link to the official The The site which I found after being exposed to the NakedSelf. It is extremely well laid out (or is it layed out?!), features cool stuff like this Jukebox, where you can preview quite a lot (if not all) of The The's works. And it just made my day, listening to NakedSelf, which I consider a kickass record. Period.
