..., so-so. If I put on my rose coloured glasses, it looks much better then. Although, if one looks at it, or through it in this case, seeing everything rose coloured looks awful. I'd prefer some warm, rich kind of yellow - looks much better. Either way, once I have to deal with the outside world, so to speak, I encounter the same incompetence as last year. But maybe those people have just attended the wrong party, or maybe they're just about to improve and I called too early? Or I called the wrong company?! Who knows...
I've been looking at this blog, the way it developed over time, and I found the first entry this year would make the perfect last post. After posting this here, I guess I spoilt it, so I have to add some more until I find that perfect last post again. If such a thing exists, let alone multiple times. And if it even matters. Thing is, I haven't much to tell. I'm playing guitar, cook, eat, sleep and enjoy the shelter of a rooftop. And that circular motion (rub it) keeps me busy. Well, busy might not be the right word here, but while I search for a better one it might stay as a placeholder. And by now it should be evident why I haven't posted in a while: lotsa words and I ain't saying anything. It seems I'm much better speaking through music. Or Soto Ayam, which I am preparing again. This dish is such a reward, for everything one can imagine. Actually it is soooo good that it would make the world a better place if everyone just ate it once. Good thing that is impossible, me thinks, as I can already imagine nutritional nihilists rejecting the consumption.
"Ich esse meine Suppe nicht! Nein, meine Suppe ess' ich nicht!" Oops - wrong planet =:o)