Friday, June 30, 2006


I hereby announce the foundation of the Budapest Bassdrum Ensemble BBE. I'm not quite sure what it is good for, but now it exists I will find out. And probably tell you.

This Is The End...

... of the first half of 2006 eggshoolee. Remember? Time flies & all that. I still suspect there's a serious dent in the space-time continuum around here, but that's another story. In fact, I'm totally - in terms of completely - absent right now, I have no idea who is writing this and so have you. Me, I'm praying to the Divine Attaché Case regarding future development in general and the forthcoming soccer match in particular. Shouldn't we stop the clocks? Right now, Dees and Ays are coexisting happily, but in three hours time either the Dees or the Ays will be in tears, as if the world had come to an end... Nah, let's get ready to, er, rumble! Bergfest.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Time Flies or WAISA?

Hairy monsters, these time flies lemme tellya. Buzzing around, landing everywhere they're not supposed to - leaving skidmarks like a warm September rain... er... hermungooloyter spang! 12+humpty years ago I've come into this life, the son of a woman and a man who lived in strife. He was tired of being poor, and he wasn't into selling door to door... and he worked like the devil to be more. A different kind of poverty now upsets my soul - night after sleepless night I walk the floor and I want to know: Why Am I So Alone? Where is my woman can I bring her home? Have I driven her away? Is she gone? Morning comes to sunrise and I'm driven to my bed. I see that it is empty and there's devils in my head... I embrace the many colored beast, I grow weary of the torment - can there be no peace? And I find myself just wishing that my life would simply cease... well at least I can say I grew up being able to imagine a message behind certain songs. Many, in fact. Even those on the radio - dig that! And even if - quintessentially :o) - they had no meaning at all, they still pretended so gracefully to be there to save you whenever. However today, I would have to rely on words like motherf*cker and sh!t half of the time to elevate me on the airwaves... so was I better off then? No funky way (or was I?!?). Moments in time just pass, tiny little bits of movement filling as much of a gap a millisecond is able to leave stains on the sofa. If you step back a little, these tiny movements convert into waggons of a freight train steadily on the move. And as you realize that, the passing moment is already gone - there's no way to catch up and repeat it. Why? Because. You do not possess the remote control. So why-do-you-not possess the remote control? Because. Nobody complained it was missing on your arrival. So why didn't anybody say a word? Because. They forgot. Why? Who cares. And why did I write all this? Just because. On the other side of the Atlantic, there's a beautiful mind that never ceases to amaze me. And I was triggered to formulate. To phrase, to frame, to... couch?!? Ah, good idea...

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Wizards Of Oz.

Congrats, Australia - the boys from Down Under managed to turn around an almost lost game within the last eight minutes... from 0:1 to 3:1 in a stunning final stage! Both teams played really good (suffering high temperatures) with a deserved outcome for the Aussies - their very first goals and victory in a world championship. The picture shows Aloisi about to score the final goal after Cahill's preceding two.
In about an hour from now (at 18:00 CET) the US meets Czechia. I think I'm not the only one to be anxious to see that match. A couple of players (I heard three) actually speak German, and I mean they know vastly more than Hallo and Bratwurst. Hehe. Luckily, the temperature will be a bit more bearable than during the day... Go Amis! It won't be an easy match, though.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Long time absent, now back and better than ever - that's UBU. Instead of talking about what it is and what's there, I simply recommend a visit if ever I recommended anything. However, if you insist - here's what they say about themselves: "UbuWeb is a completely independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts. All materials on UbuWeb are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights belong to the author(s). UbuWeb is completely free." C-ya l8er!

Respect, Maaahn!

It's halftime in the match Sweden vs T&T, and the score so far is 0:0. And - the reason why I'm telling the wold this - one can't say Trinidad & Tobago doesn't stand a chance here. Allegedly the worst team (well, the team least likely to become world champion) in this match, they're still giving Sweden a hard time. Having friends in both countries, I won't keep my fingers crossed for neither of them. Btw, England - the self-declared forthcoming world champ - defeated Paraguay by an own goal of Gamarra in minute 3. B3T - back to the telly.

appendix: after having one player sent off for a gross foul early in the second half, the Trinis didn't give in and finally ended the game 0:0, which is purely sensational. Hats off! Plus, on the 15th T&T is playing England, who delivered a pretty poor performance today and won out of pure luck. Promises to be an interesting match, as the T&T keeper appears to be excellent and the whole team is all but humble.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Rum Start...

So the German team defeated Costa Rica 4:2 in the opening game. Two killer goals on the German side, but our defense still needs a lot of work (to put it mildly). We'll see. Our next opponent, Poland, was surprisingly defeated by Ecuador 0:2. In Bad Kissingen, where Ecuador is based at, the kids were learning Spanish - kewl, innit? Tommorrow it's Argentina vs. Ivory Coast in Hamburg, probably a thrilling match as the IC team is anything but an underdog. The opening ceremony did a good job in proving to the world that the typical Ger-man usually wears Lederhosen, carries a 12 ft. whip and a 50 pound cowbell. Plus knows how to use them. Weird...

Ready, Steady, GO!

Ace weather over here, and the wold cup is about to begin - welcome everybody! Let's hope for peaceful games. And may the best team win.
Or so...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

VIP Lounge.

That's where you can chill with other VIPs (very impotent people) during the soccer worldchampionship, and watch the games on a larger-than-life screen. Don't know if this was planned to be built anyway or serves as some sort of compensation when the organisational nightmare comes true: no entrance if your ticket isn't personalized. And that's the last thing the sponsors thought of - personalizing 300,000 tickets. Ho ho ho.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Mailinator.

Got eneough spam lately? That question is probably rethorical. However, I just stumbled across this site, which deals with the spam problem offering a simple solution. It won't rid you of spam you already receive, but might aid in avoiding future, er, spam. Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam!

Bike In Head.

Why this reminded me of that old Nits song - I don't know. Found it here...

2-Tone Duzzit.

Awaiting the soccer worldchampionships, Hamburg is putting on some extra makeup. Didn't mean to paint a black and white picture, but came up with one none the less. Hmm. Let's hope the upload - compression doesn't destroy the whole thing. But then... who cares anyway?